Elena Gabbrielli

Elena Gabbrielli, born in Arezzo (Italy), completed her musical and philosophical studies in Venice, studying at the Conservatory of Music “Benedetto Marcello” and at the University “Ca ́Foscari”. Other notable teachers for her musical formation have been Chiara Tonelli, Patrick Gallois and Pier Narciso Masi. In addition to the study of the classical flute repertoire, she has developed a special interest for new music and she has completed the Master PPCM at the University of performing Arts in Graz under the guidance of Klangforum Wien. 

Nowadays Elena lives in Vienna and plays as a soloist, chamber and ensemble musician – mostly focusing on contemporary music – in collaboration with Klangforum Wien, PHACE, der/gelbe/klang, platypus ensemble, The Black Page Orchestra, Schallfeld, mdi ensemble, Repertorio Zero and others. Her concert activities as a chamber musician and soloist include performances at the Vienna Konzerthaus, Salzburger Festspiele, Wien Modern, musikprotokoll Graz, Mozarteum Stiftung, Ravenna Festival, Festival dei due Mondi Spoleto, Teatro Massimo Palermo, Opéra Comédie Montpellier, Opéra de Dijon, Vancouver New Music, Shanghai Spring Music Festival, Sonemus Fest Sarajevo, GAIDA Vilnius, Archipel Festival Genève. 

She has worked with leading conductors Emilio Pomàrico, Sylvain Cambreling, Pierre-André Valade, Marco Angius, Ilan Volkov, and composers George Friedrich Haas, Tristan Murail, Raphaël Cendo, Rebecca Saunders, Philippe Leroux, Pierluigi Billone, Mathias Spahlinger, Beat Furrer. Radio recordings with ORF, SWR, BR Klassik, RAI-Radio 3, RTS-Espace 2. 

She has given masterclasses for composers and instrumentalists in academic institutions such as Tiroler Landeskonservatorium – Innsbruck, Anadolu Üniversitesi – Eskişehir, Bilkent University – Ankara, State Tchaikovsky Conservatory – Moscow, Royal Music Academy – Aarhus, Academy of Music and Drama – Gothenburg. In 2022 she was a guest lecturer for contemporary music (performance practice) at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg. From 2023 she holds a lectureship for contemporary flute and chamber music at the University of Music and performing Arts in Vienna. 

She is a member of ensemble xxi. jahrhundert and ensemble Zeitfluss. With the quartet airborne extended she devotes herself to contemporary chamber music in the unusual instrumentation of flute, harp, recorder/paetzold and harpsichord. 

Elena has received scholarships for her work in the field of contemporary music, most recently the MiBACT scholarship of the Italian Ministry of Culture and the START scholarship of the Austrian Federal Chancellery.

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August 10

Kalv Church

Free admission


Concert | Elena Gabbrielli  

Excerpts from Luigi Nono’s Das Atmende Klarsein for bass flute and electronics as well as music by Malin Bång and Klaus Huber. 

About the concert 

Perhaps the instrument that most obviously embodies our breathing is the flute. The many ritual music traditions bear witness to this. The flute not only captures our inhalation and exhalation, but set in vibration it also sounds a note that makes us hear (or rather imagine) our voice. Perhaps it is the flute’s proximity to both body (mouth to mouthpiece), tone and air that has made the instrument so beloved by contemporary composers?  

The concert is meant to be an example of the complexity of simplicity: a single – simple – source of sound (the flute) reveals its wealth of identities or – better said – souls through four very different approaches to the flute and (for that matter) the limits of the musician. 

In all the works tonight, there is music closely linked to the collaboration between musician and composer, and in this a common desire to push the boundaries not only of the instrument, but also of listening. 



Malin Bång – Alpha Waves 

Klaus Huber – …Plainte…I Lieber spaltet men Herz (in memoriam Luigi Nono) [1993] 

Luigi Nono – excerpt from Das Atmende Klarsein [1980-1983]